Discipline Improvement Plan
Illinois law requires that the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) identify school districts or state authorized charter schools that utilize exclusionary disciplinary measures more often than other districts. Specifically, Section 2-3.162 of the School Code requires ISBE to determine the top 20 percent of school districts in the following metrics:
Total number of out-of-school suspensions divided by the total district enrollment by the last school day in September for the year in which the data was collected, multiplied by 100.
Total number of out-of-school expulsions divided by the total district enrollment by the last school day in September for the year in which the data was collected, multiplied by 100.
Racial disproportionality, defined as the overrepresentation of students of color or white students in comparison to the total number of students of color or white students on October 1st of the school year in which data are collected, with respect to the use of out-of-school suspensions and expulsions, which must be calculated using the same method as the U.S. Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights uses.
School districts and state authorized charter schools that are identified in the top 20 percent of any of the metrics described above for three consecutive years are required to submit a plan identifying the strategies the school district will implement to reduce the use of exclusionary disciplinary practices or racial disproportionality or both, if applicable.